The Five Workout Playlists You Need
Music is a powerful tool, especially in the gym. I've never been the type of person who can just go on a run with no music. Music is a...

How to Fight Your First Post-Grad Back-to-School Slump
I’m going to be honest here: I’m not writing this for you. I’m writing this for me. I’m in the middle of the burnout that I knew was...

Boycott or Buy?
Are your clothes worth it? I've been studying ethical business a lot lately, especially this semester. In fact, my Senior Thesis for...

Pinterest for Advertisers
Social Media advertising has become a staple for online advertising. Its precision and measurability make it an easy choice for...

Quote of the Day (4.25.17)
"A professional... is an amateur who didn't quit." -Richard Bach #RichardBach #business #professional #resilience #persistence #motivation

Why Palm Sunday Matters
Today is Palm Sunday. I grew up in the church, and have known the story with the palm branches and the donkey for as long as I can...

How to Create a Purposeful 404 Redirect Page
Creating a strong 404 redirect page is an important way to keep users on your site. If users get to an error page, but have no easy way...
Quote of the Day (4.1.17)
“The call to business is not neutral. It is not meaningless. It is a noble calling—a calling to participate at the very heart of God’s...

How to Start a Travel Journal
When you're traveling and think, "wow, this is a really nice moment," sketch it or write about it. Maybe it's the way the

Read This Book: Garden City
I've read a lot of books during my time at Biola. Around 200 of them. It was part of my work in a great books program called Torrey. The...